Business Continuity Planners

General Information


Develop, maintain, or implement business continuity and disaster recovery strategies and solutions, including risk assessments, business impact analyses, strategy selection, and documentation of business continuity and disaster recovery procedures. Plan, conduct, and debrief regular mock-disaster exercises to test the adequacy of existing plans and strategies, updating procedures and plans regularly. Act as a coordinator for continuity efforts after a disruption event.

Business Breakdown

People in this career work in these sectors.

  1. Private, for profit65.52%
  2. Private, not for profit10.74%
  3. State and local government10.18%
  4. Federal government6.85%
  5. Self-employed6.55%

Workplace at a Glance

What you can expect to experience while on the job

  • Responsibility
  • Exposure to job hazards
  • Physical activity
  • Decision making
  • Repetitiveness
  • Level of competition
  • Time pressure

Industry areas

  • Business Management & Administration

Related Military Careers

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Related MIlitary Careers X

    • Ordnance Specialists
      • Ordnance specialists are responsible for the safety, security, and accountability of the Military’s weapons and ammunition. They perform a wide variety of duties, including the safe receipt, storage, and transport of ordnance. Some of these specialists deal solely with the destruction and demilitarization of explosive items, while some deal solely with maintenance and repair. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Business Operations and Management Analysts
      • Business operations and management analysts apply business expertise to improve military operations. Using a structured approach to problem solving, these analysts make recommendations to leadership about management techniques that can help reduce waste and inefficiency. They gather and analyze data to develop procedures to improve operational efficiency and manpower utilization. They also evaluate programs, personnel, and equipment through the use of exercises and simulations. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Business Operations Planning Analysts
      • Business operations planning analysts apply business expertise to improve military operations. Using analytical tools and techniques, these analysts make recommendations to leadership about management techniques that can help reduce waste and inefficiency. They study current operations and organizations, identify and analyze problems, and develop alternative solutions. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Communications Managers
      • Communication managers plan, build, secure, operate, and defend communications networks. They oversee the development and maintenance of policies and plans that are essential to operational success. They may supervise the encryption and decryption process and appropriate routing of sensitive communications. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Cyber-Operations Officers
      • Cyber-operations officers oversee both offensive and defensive cyberspace operations in support of the full range of military programs. Offensive operations involve the application of computer power to target the capabilities of enemies and hostile adversaries. Defensive operations involve protecting data, networks, net-centric capabilities, and other designated systems. Some cyber officers focus on offensive or defensive operations, while others integrate the two to support military operations.   Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Cyber Security Officers
      • Cyber security officers are responsible for protecting military networks and the country against cyber-attacks from enemy forces. Cyber security officers provide the Military with a source of expertise for the proper employment, support, and defense of strategic and tactical information networks. They oversee information assurance programs and help protect our nation’s cyber capabilities. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Cyber Warfare Officers
      • Cyber warfare officers command crews in the use of cyber offensive tactics to target enemy or hostile adversary capabilities. They oversee mission planning, preparation, and crew training to ensure operational readiness. Cyber warfare officers operate cyberspace systems and direct crews in the use of these systems. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Cyber-Operations Specialists
      • Cyber-operations specialists conduct offensive and defensive cyberspace operations in support of the full range of military options. They utilize devices, computer programs, and techniques designed to create an effect across cyberspace. Offensive operations involve applying force to target enemy and hostile adversary activities and capabilities. Defensive operations are conducted to protect data, networks, and net-centric capabilities by detecting, identifying, and responding to attacks from external forces. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Cyber Security Specialists
      • Cyber security specialists secure, defend, and protect data, networks, and other information systems by enacting appropriate security controls and measures. They monitor, analyze, detect, and respond to unauthorized activity in the cyberspace domain. Tasks include testing and maintaining hardware and software to ensure the security of Department of Defense networks. They perform deliberate actions to strengthen information systems and networks, perform vulnerability assessments, and respond to incidents. Cyber security specialists may focus on a specific type of information system, coordinating with network and system administrators, to ensure the security of Department of Defense information networks. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Emergency Management Officers
      • Emergency management officers evaluate potential and actual disasters, ensuring adequacy of warning systems, shelters, and disaster preparedness plans. Emergency management officers prepare and administer measures to cope with both natural disasters and chemical, nuclear weapon, reactor, and radiological incidents. They direct command and control centers during the development of situations and also participate in emergency response operations. These operations may involve responding to accidents. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Emergency Management Specialists
      • Whether it is a natural disaster or man-made as a result of a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incident, emergency management specialists are trained for response and recovery operations anywhere in the world. They prepare emergency plans, coordinate emergency response teams, and train other people to meet mission needs and to minimize casualties and damage in the event of any disaster situation, including floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, or enemy attack. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Financial Managers
      • Financial managers direct and coordinate financial management functions and serve as advisors to leadership in all matters pertaining to programming/budgeting, finance and accounting, and cost analysis. They perform managerial operations, including the establishment of performance standards and priorities for personnel, and security requirements for safeguarding assets. They are responsible for the management of financial operations and for providing advice on the effective use and redistribution of resources within fund limitations. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Healthcare Administrators
      • Healthcare administrators manage military hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities. They oversee the medical and administrative functions of healthcare facilities, and they ensure the readiness of both personnel and equipment to meet the medical needs of service members and their families. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Manpower Officers
      • Manpower managers determine the structure, composition, position, and equipment requirements of active and reserve military forces. They determine how many and which capabilities are required to execute a mission and they manage allocation of military and civilian resources. These individuals develop and execute programs to accomplish accession planning, classification and utilization, force development, and force shaping programs. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • International and Civil Affairs Officers
      • International and civil affairs officers have extensive in-country experience in a designated region. They build effective relationships with governments, militaries, and local citizens and they support a variety of international engagement activities, from humanitarian relief to intelligence collection. They serve as primary advisors to government agencies across service branches on all stages of operations planning because of their regional and cultural expertise. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • International and Civil Affairs Specialists
      • International and civil affairs specialists perform various duties incident to the planning, coordination, and conduct of civil-military operations. They support the operation of civil affairs planning and coordination centers. They also perform civil-military assessments of their assigned operational area and coordinate with a wide variety of civilian populations, organizations, and agencies.   Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Law Enforcement Specialists
      • Law enforcement specialists are equipped with the latest law enforcement tools and techniques for keeping the peace, including military working dogs. They are responsible for investigating crimes that are committed within military bases. They also control traffic, respond to emergencies, conduct lawful arrests, interview the arrested suspects, guard military installations and correctional facilities and personnel, conduct patrolling activities, and provide Special Reaction Teams. Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Security Specialists
      • Security specialists in the Military protect and defend. They conduct risk/vulnerability assessments, analyze crime, and recommend appropriate courses of action to eliminate conditions conducive to terrorism, espionage, sabotage, wrongful destruction, malicious damage, theft, and pilferage. Law enforcement specialists that focus on security require a breadth of knowledge in weapon systems, antiterrorism, law enforcement, defense, and combat arms.  Navigate to Military Career Page
    • Business Operations Specialists
      • Business operations personnel utilize business knowledge to improve military operations. These analysts use evaluative methods to recommend changes to business processes in order to minimize waste and inefficiency. They assess various aspects of operations, such as inventory procurement, accounting systems, and management techniques. They develop and present detailed operational plans to Commanders for approval and implementation. Navigate to Military Career Page
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Average Salary



State-by-state Salary

Gray states indicate no data available

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Most Common Education Levels

People in this career achieve this level of education.

  • Bachelor's degree 68%
  • Some college 9%
  • Associate's degree 9%
  • First professional degree 9%
  • Post-secondary certificate 4%
  • High school 0%
  • Master's degree 0%
  • Doctoral degree 0%
  • Post baccalaureate 0%
  • Less than high school 0%
  • Post-doctoral training 0%
  • Post-master's certificate 0%


  • Computers and Electronics
  • Education and Training
  • Customer and Personal Service
  • Administration and Management
  • Administrative

Skills at a Glance

Skills helpful in this career

  • Verbal skills
  • Critical thinking & problem solving
  • Equipment operation & maintenance
  • Math & science skills
  • Technology design & control
  • Leadership
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