Military Manpower Officers

Military Career

General Information


Manpower managers determine the structure, composition, position, and equipment requirements of active and reserve military forces. They determine how many and which capabilities are required to execute a mission and they manage allocation of military and civilian resources. These individuals develop and execute programs to accomplish accession planning, classification and utilization, force development, and force shaping programs.

Work Environment

Manpower managers work in office settings on land or aboard ships.

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Military Outlook

Service Branches

Jobs in this career field may be available in other service branches. Call or email a particular branch for more info.

Military Status

  • Officer
    • Managerial/professional
    • College degree required

Military Workforce

Manpower Officers in the Military


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Average Salary


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Military training

Officers typically enter the Military after they have completed a four-year college degree; enlisted service members can transition to officer positions through a variety of pathways and earn a degree while serving. Manpower officers may have an education in management or personnel administration. Job training for manpower officers primarily consists of on-the-job earning in various training environments. Like other officers, they complete a comprehensive training program covering responsibilities, military structure and etiquette, traditions, and leadership development. Job-specific training content may include: Military personnel policies and objectivesAutomated personnel systemsEqual opportunity policiesManagement and organizational conceptsPerformance evaluation and promotion policies and proceduresManpower and staffing guidelines

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