Transportation Vehicle, Equipment and Systems Inspectors, Except Aviation

General Information


Inspect and monitor transportation equipment, vehicles, or systems to ensure compliance with regulations and safety standards.

Business Breakdown

People in this career work in these sectors.

  1. Private, for profit70.50%
  2. State and local government14.82%
  3. Federal government9.26%
  4. Self-employed4.33%
  5. Private, not for profit1.09%

Workplace at a Glance

What you can expect to experience while on the job

  • Responsibility
  • Exposure to job hazards
  • Physical activity
  • Decision making
  • Repetitiveness
  • Level of competition
  • Time pressure
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Average Salary



State-by-state Salary

Gray states indicate no data available

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Most Common Education Levels

People in this career achieve this level of education.

  • High school 57%
  • Less than high school 13%
  • Post-secondary certificate 12%
  • Some college 10%
  • Associate's degree 6%
  • Master's degree 0%
  • Doctoral degree 0%
  • Bachelor's degree 0%
  • Post baccalaureate 0%
  • Post-doctoral training 0%
  • Post-master's certificate 0%
  • First professional degree 0%


  • Mechanical
  • Transportation
  • English Language
  • Computers and Electronics
  • Administration and Management

Skills at a Glance

Skills helpful in this career

  • Verbal skills
  • Critical thinking & problem solving
  • Equipment operation & maintenance
  • Math & science skills
  • Technology design & control
  • Leadership
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