Military Surveying, Mapping, and Drafting Technicians

Military Career

General Information


Surveying, mapping, and drafting technicians help determine, describe, and record geographic areas or features. They conduct land surveys, take measurements, make maps, and prepare detailed plans and drawings for construction projects. They are sometimes called upon to provide maps and surveys that locate military targets and help plot troop movements. These technicians play key roles in the collection and analysis of geospatial information.

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Work Environment

Surveying, mapping, and drafting technicians work both indoors and outdoors in all climates and weather conditions. Those assigned to engineering units sometimes work outdoors with survey teams. Those assigned to intelligence units may work on ships as well as on land.

Workplace at a Glance

What you can expect to experience while on the job

  • Responsibility
  • Exposure to job hazards
  • Physical activity
  • Decision making
  • Repetitiveness
  • Level of competition
  • Time pressure

Comparable Industries

  • Architecture & Construction
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Military Outlook

Service Branches

Jobs in this career field may be available in other service branches. Call or email a particular branch for more info.

Military Status

  • Enlisted
    • Hands-on/specialized
    • High school diploma required

Military Workforce

Surveying, Mapping, and Drafting Technicians in the Military


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Average Salary


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Military training

All enlisted service members complete basic military training, which includes time spent in a classroom and in the field, and covers tactical and survival skills, physical training, military life and customs, and weapons training. Surveying, mapping, and drafting technicians in the Military will gain skills through classroom study, simulated combat conditions, and on-the-job experience. Job-specific training content may include: Surveying and drafting techniquesGeospatial interpretationArchitectural and structural drawingMethods of computing target locationsArtillery tactics and field combat strategyAmmunition-handling techniquesGun, missile and rocket system operationsAerial photo interpretation

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  • Geography
  • Computers and Electronics
  • Mathematics
  • Design
  • Engineering and Technology

Skills at a Glance

Skills helpful in this career

  • Verbal skills
  • Critical thinking & problem solving
  • Equipment operation & maintenance
  • Math & science skills
  • Technology design & control
  • Leadership
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