Military Career
Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks perform duties related to budgeting, disbursing, and accounting of government funds. They are responsible for maintaining and supporting all financial management processes, including verification and submission of financial reports, payment for travel and commercial vendors, and auditing of pay transactions.
Explore this career outside the militaryBookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks work in offices on land or aboard ships.
What you can expect to experience while on the job
Jobs in this career field may be available in other service branches. Call or email a particular branch for more info.
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks in the Military
Military salaries include a lot more than just base pay.
They also offer:
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Learn more about military insurance and retirement benefits
People in this career achieve this level of education.
All enlisted service members complete basic military training, which includes time spent in a classroom and in the field, and covers tactical and survival skills, physical training, military life and customs, and weapons training. Job training for bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks consists of classroom and on-the-job instruction, including practice in accounting techniques. Training content may include: Accounting principles and proceduresPreparation and maintenance of financial reports and budgetsStatistical analyses to interpret financial dataComputation of pay and deductionsAuditing and evaluation proceduresBudget planningFederal accounting systems
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Skills helpful in this career